Tuesday 6 November 2012

General Assignment Problem

Selecting assignment topics is one of the most prevailing assignment problem examples. Some students submit assignments without topics. Few students, select inappropriate topics, fewer even realize that they selected the wrong topic. As a rule, the road to exceptional grades in assignments begins with selecting a great assignment topic. Great assignment topics are interesting, relevant and are of impact to the target audience. It is hence astute to identify your target audience prior to selecting a topic. Research your target audience based on their background, age, gender, and intellectual level among others. Keep it in mind that working on an interesting topic comes with an interesting writing process.
2nd general assignment problem
 The assignment format
Even though many students are conversant with the right assignment format, it continues to be one of the prevailing assignment problem examples in the academic world. A perfect assignment must have an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction introduces the topic by providing a brief topic background. It presents the reader with the importance of reading.  It also acts as an attention grabber. Great introductions are interesting, to captivate the reader’s attention. While a boring introduction puts off the reader, interesting introductions encourage the reader dig deeper in your assignment. The body section answers to all questions. It satisfies the reader’s hunger for information created in the introduction.  One paragraph should illustrate a single idea exclusively. Nevertheless, it is paramount to note that different genres of assignments have different body formats. For example, a thesis body section should have the methods, results, and the discussion sections.  The conclusion summarizes the main points. It emphasizes the main points. Great conclusions leave a lasting impression on the reader’s mind. They are characterized by a call for action, a question, or food for thought.
3rd general assignment problem
Late assignments
Have you ever submitted an assignment past the deadline? Well, if never, that is an excellent achievement. As a rule, late assignments are one of the greatest assignment problem examples in the academic world. This is as a result of poor time management, procrastination, and limited time. Some of the time management skills include, identifying and eliminating your time wasters, avoiding procrastination, and having a work plan.
Keep it in mind that these are just but a few assignment problem examples. You can solicit other examples and solutions in the internet and credible assignment services. 

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